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Really looking forward to this and I hope development has been going well.

I grew up playing Shadowgate Classic on the Game Boy Color and it quickly became one of my favorite games. Thanks for helping to keep its legacy alive.


hey! Thanks for the nice words. Yes it’s going well! We're coding the final rooms now and working on some sound effects. Then it’ll be on to loooots of testing and tweaking :-)

I've never played any of the Shadowgate games before; heck I don't even think I'd ever heard of it before recently. The fact that 1. This is an official Playdate version of the game that you got the contract for and 2, that this is all made in Pulp rather than the Playdate SDK or whatever else is available for making PD games's just astounding. I'll be keeping my eye out on this one.

thank you very much! It’s coming together nicely too which feels like a bit of a miracle given how the project started. Excited to bring this one to everyone!


This looks fantastic, but I have to ask, do you have a license for this?  Will this be free?  Shadowgate is an active IP (most recent release was in 2021. and there was a Kickstarter in 2023 for a new game), and the rights holders might take umbrage with this project if you haven't received a license, especially if you want to charge for it.

I just don't want to see something bad happen!  I love Shadowgate and really want this game to be great.

Nevermind!  I see this is official and above-board:

Fantastic news!  Can't wait!


Yes indeed! It was super important to me to do this properly and get the contract signed so it’s all above board :-)

That's so cool! 


Can't wait! Godspeed.


Games like Shadowgate are perfect for the Playdate.  The release can't come soon enough (but take your time and make it great).

I want this soooooo much

I'm ready!